Legal notices

Company owner: Antoine Kecskes

Type of business: Sole proprietorship (individual)

Registered office address: Clos Albert Marinus 17, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert.

Company number (VAT): 1005-174-475.

Contact :

Website host: Gandi /

Terms of use and conditions of sale:

Collection of personal data: Our online store uses the PrestaShop e-commerce solution. We only collect the personal data necessary for the operation of the store, such as those related to orders and delivery. We do not collect any other personal information without your explicit consent.

Applicable law and jurisdiction: Any dispute arising from the use of this website is subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Intellectual property: All content on this site (text, images, logos, etc.) is the exclusive property of Antoine Kecskes and is protected by Belgian intellectual property laws.

Liability: Antoine Kecskes accepts no liability for the use of the website or the accuracy of the information provided. The user is responsible for the use of the website and the information contained therein.

Diese Webseite was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.